Saturday, November 12, 2011

Companionship Training

Dear Sundance,

How do I tell my owners I would like to have a partner? another dog to have some fun with? to help train to be like me? a legacy? I am entering my 8th year of life on mother earth, and I would love to share the knowledge I have been blessed with from my wonderful human parents and antecedents with a young pup. Before I was adopted, my owners had just gotten married and previously had dogs of their own. The stories I've heard on camp trips and in the backyard suggest that only wonderful and good things resulting from owning two dogs. Not only that, I love my owners, and I know that dogs don't tend to outlive their people, and I can't bear the thought of leaving them without a canine companion to help them through the hard times, a doggy with a little bit of myself in him or her. If they were to wait until they had no dogs, they would be grieving, and no new puppy wants to enter a grieving household. I eavesdropped on a conversation Dan and Patrick were having the other day about the possibilities of bringing in a new companion, and so this is what prompted me to think and begin writing to you.
Doggy Co-op

Dear D.C.,

Currently, I have been honored to work with a seven-month-old golden retriever. She is a quick learner, even though she can be a silly young pup sometimes. I know the role I play in her life is helpful, but I also know she is getting the correct amount of obedience training from her owners. My owner allows me to tag along on most of our training sessions with young dogs. He is a firm believer in the power of the pack, and its ability to calm and help other pack members adapt to the constant environmental changes. He also knows dogs exude a certain amount of energy. Sometimes dogs who have anxieties can be a bit restless, whereas dogs that give off calm energy will be less likely to resist and willing to experience new things.
When the time comes to choose a companion, it would be in your owners' best interest to allow you to come along. Keep in mind, if you are to see a new puppy, make sure your owners have made sure you are up to date with all your vaccines, and always check with the breeder first. If you plan on going to a rescue shelter, find out if your owners can bring you too.
I do want you to know, I think what you have planned is a remarkable idea. Every dog, and even humans, need a mentor. Picking out the right companion for you will be one challenge and energy levels will be another. Finding the right match is important. Your apprentice and you will appreciate it even more once you both smell each others' rears.

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