Just shy of seven miles today. Our pace was pretty steady throughout, but the heat was beginning to pester. We ran a new trail course that lead us to the Griffith Park Compost Station. James is piecing together alternate trails so we do not grow bored with the trails we have memorized and grown accustomed to. Besides, its nice to smell new aromas and take on new trails. Occasionally James and mama will smell onions at Griffith Park, and on other occasions they smell the scent of fried potatoes possibly from the driving range just below us when we are on the Bill Eckert trail. Humans seem to relate everything they smell to their taste-buds. I have a snout for picking up the scent of a raccoon. I knew they were near by today, especially around the corner of the restrooms. While James and mama were occupied in the restroom, I was busy tracking and Kobe was leaning on Hanna, as usual, we were both eager to get started. Kobe is my brother form another mother. And Hanna, she is my "suyeong gom."
Kobe's owner was away this weekend so we watched over him and made sure he was well fed and loved. Kobe, aside from being a stud and a handsome chocolate lab, is the biggest fruit. He loves his fruit, especially when he is bored at home. Uncle Jay has a variety of trees in his backyard, currently the peach and plum trees are in full bloom and being the farmer that Kobe is, he inspects them daily. He inspects the unripe ones first and if they are not up to par, he will climb the tree and snatch it from the branch and take it upon himself to dispose of the thing by munching it away. Consequently, this morning during our bathroom break, James was amazed by a clump of peach pits hibernating in Kobe's stool. Kobe is a genuine "pit" bull.
I must have peed 20 times. I should have kept my fluids because by the time the run was done, I had no more and was really dehydrated. James pulled me over to wipe the foam that had accumulated around my mouth, while Kobe and Hanna ran ahead. I was glad we paused for a bit because mama was just a few steps behind and she gave me a nice tap on my rump. That was all I needed to get my body in motion and back to our truck and home to my pool.
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