Friday, June 11, 2010

Opportune June Boon

June gloom? The phrase does not exist in my dog vocabulary. I love the cool weather. Besides, anyone in a healthy state of mind would never judge a day by the weather. Only humans come up with labels for the day. The hour. The month. The year. Time has no meaning to me as a golden retriever. Why do people see clouds, my wonderful friends the clouds, and then say things like "gloom" and act sad and sluggish and resentful all day? They did the same when it rained. They did the same when it was invigoratingly cold. They will act even more grumpy when it gets so very hot that we can barely move. We should all enjoy what Mama calls Opportune June Boon.

Just this morning on our way back from our daily exercise I overheard James and Mama discussing the the relevance of time and the affect it has on the overall society. I just sat against the camper shell and thought about where I was, near the window while Kobe kept bouncing back and forth. Kobe rarely listens to a word anyone says, in his own little world, but he sure has a way to share affection. The stories I overhear are interesting when I am in James' truck. They mostly involve people and their flaws. "Human's have lost their ability to be happy and are consumed with self importance." James shared with Alexia. "Why do they fake their happiness with cell phones, BMW's, loud noises, and image?" I think James is right, but I do not understand completely. You see, I do not wear a leash for vanity's sake. I wear a leash to follow, to be connected, and because there's a law about it. Do city dwellers where the same leashes? Perhaps their leashes are leased and rented.

June gloom is just another category for the weather and it's seasons. I am not gloom. I am not even June. I am the moment everyone has always wished for.

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